Utilizing the transformative power of healing touch and heart-centered intention our services are tailored to enhance your overall well-being and support your journey towards self-discovery.

At Joyful 7 Healing we believe in the extraordinary potential of energy. Remote healing is about connecting beyond distance, tapping into the subtle vibrations that contribute to your overall health.

Our remote healing services harness the power of energy to promote
well-being for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

Our Offerings

Explore how we can support your journey to wellness.


“My sessions with Brenda and Joyful 7 Healing left me floating and completely at peace. Stress and discomfort were relieved. It is a surreal experience.”


“I have had trouble sleeping, so that was one of the areas I wanted to work on. During the session, I was able to completely relax, and Brenda was able to do her energy work virtually. After the session, she told me what she read in my energy and ways to improve. She was spot on with my reading, and that night I had some very restful sleep.”


“Just wanted to let you know that you were there when I really needed you and I’m so very thankful. You made a big impact on my life and I thank you.”